Here is short description of my most valuable projects.
Data compression
CTXf archiver. CTXf started as a school science project, which target was to implement a working PPM compressor compressing nearly as good as HA. One year passed. CTXf improved significantly. Now it's compression rates are comparable to those shown by RAR 3.00, and on most files even better.
MenuetOS is a new tiny operating system from Finland (again :). MenuetOS has a GUI, supports some standart hardware, has simple TCP/IP networking stack and ring-3 protection. But the most interesting feature of MenuetOS is the language it is written in: the Flat Assembler. That's why the whole system is so small and the kernel is about 45k in size. It is being written by Ville Turjanmaa and a couple of other folks. I contributed some applications to this OS: small and fast MHC compression program (with cross-platform version) and toy program 'Eyes' :)